This routing system is for routing posts on your shop floor. At only about $10,000, this system is much less expensive than other CNC routers.
This routing system is for routing posts on your shop floor. At only about $10,000, this system is much less expensive than other CNC routers.
Our templates require a router with a guide bushing and carbide bit. Our standard busing size is 7/16 OD with a 1/4 inch bit. . We can create the templates for a different size guide bushing if you already have one. Please discuss with us your router and guide setup so we can make sure it will work with our jigs. The products below will work with our system. Please don't hesitate to call us if you have any questions
*** please note, it can be challenging to find guide bushings to fit many router types. We make our routers available to be sure that customers can purchase our kit and begin routing. Porter cable routers are the easiest to locate guide bushings for and the links below will fit these routers. it also has been reported to us that these guide bushings will fit millwaukee Fuel cordless routers.
You will need a guide bushing and nut
Any Porter-Cable router will work with the guide bushings below. Click the link below to see the router we recommend for use with our jig.
Click the link below to see the guide bushings we recommend use with our jig. These will fit any Porter-Cable router.
we often stock these to provide with our kits
You will need a guide bushing and nut
Click the link below to see the bit that would need to be used with our jig. Any bit to those specifications would work.
Innovative Fence Products
(951) 333.3382 dan@pvcrouter.com